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Updating your car insurance is essential for maintaining adequate coverage. At Security Insurance Group, we believe that staying informed about your policy can protect both your investment and your peace of mind. With our team of independent insurance agents, let’s explore the reasons to revisit your car insurance.

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Choosing the right insurance coverage for your needs can feel overwhelming. One important decision is whether to go with a local insurance agency or a larger national firm. Partnering with a local insurance company like Security Insurance Group in Colorado and Arizona brings unique advantages that can enhance your experience and provide peace of mind.

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When it comes to securing the right insurance coverage, having a knowledgeable professional by your side can make all the difference. Whether you work with local insurance agents or an insurance broker, understanding their roles and benefits can help you better navigate your needs. Security Insurance Group offers this helpful information.

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At Security Insurance Group, we understand the importance of protecting your business. That's why we offer comprehensive commercial insurance policies designed to safeguard your company from unexpected risks and liabilities. Explore the four key benefits of commercial insurance and why it's essential for every business, then contact us for a free consultation!


Navigating the complex world of insurance can be overwhelming and confusing, especially for small business owners. That's where an independent insurance agent comes in. At Security Insurance Group, we pride ourselves on being an independent insurance agency, serving businesses in Colorado and Arizona. Let’s dive into the reasons why choosing an independent insurance agent is the best decision for your business.

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As a Northern Colorado resident, it's important to protect yourself, your family, and your assets from potential risks and uncertainties. There are several essential insurance policies that every Coloradoan should have to ensure they are covered in case of any accidents or incidents. Security Insurance Group, a local independent insurance agency, can help keep you prepared in case of emergencies with our variety of available policies tailored to your needs. Read more on the different types of coverage you should consider for yourself and contact us today for more information!


Ahome is one of the biggest investments that you’ll make, so it goes without saying that you’re going to want to make sure that your insurance provides you with all of the coverage that you need to keep it protected. Security Insurance Group always puts the interest of our clients first, and we do so in a manner that allows for us to find new and innovative ways to get you the coverage that you want. In one of our past blogs, we touched on a few of the things that you need to consider before investing in homeowners insurance, but today we are going to go into depth about things that will make the process of purchasing homeowners insurance, just a little bit easier.


Whether it be your business or your family’s overall insurance plan, you want to make sure that the insurance agent that you choose to work with is someone that you can count on. At Security Insurance Group, you can count on finding a team of independent insurance agents that leave you feeling confident about the work that is being done and that at the end of the day, you are receiving the best coverage that is available to you.


In our last blog post, we touched on how the warmer months of the year, June through September, are the time of the year where the most worker’s compensation claims are filed. As a small business, this type of claim towards your insurance can cost quite a bit and take a huge hit on your overall business. Rather than let that happen and find out the hard way, you can count on Security Insurance Group to provide you with the high-quality insurance that you need, while still providing you with ways that you can minimize the chances of any harsh accidents happening at your workspace this summer. Our last post covered training and orientation and supervision. Today we are going to cover just a few other things that you can do to maintain a safe workspace in your place of business.


Summer is a beautiful time to enjoy warm weather, outdoor activities, and just a little extra relaxation on the weekends. For most, this is a time where you can count to spend a majority of your time in the backyard, out by the lake or just relax with family, but as a business owner, there are plenty of things that you have to worry about, including the claims that could be made in this time. At Security Insurance Group, we wanted to touch on some of the things that you should know as a business owner when it comes to insurance claims in the warmer months of summer.


The housing market in Northern Colorado, and Colorado in general, is booming. In Fort Collins, houses are barely staying on the market for a week, which shows just how competitive it is when it comes to owning the home of your dreams. If you have been scanning the market for the perfect house, then you’ve likely been stressing about what you need to have in line so that you’re not too slow when the perfect deal, on your ideal home, finally comes around. One of those components is homeowners insurance. Security Insurance group is a team of independent insurance agents that provide high quality insurance to those that are buying new homes, but when you haven’t shopped around there are plenty of things that you need to know about homeowners insurance, and when you’re in a rush, you’re more likely to let these items pass. Since we have your best interest at hand, we wanted to cover a few things to check for as you start the shopping process for your homeowner’s insurance.


While school isn’t out for summer quite yet, the temperatures are definitely starting to warm up, and are beginning to tease us with sunny days and clear nights. The more frequently these days happen, the more common it is to start thinking about all of the adventures that you’re going to be going on this summer and the toys you’ll get to wash the dust off of and use. Security Insurance Group is equally ready to get out there and enjoy some nice weather on Horsetooth Reservoir, and that has insurance coverage for all your toys, on our mind. In our blog post today, we are going to cover a few of the toys you may have splurged on that you should consider having covered under an insurance policy, especially by the time you get them out this summer.


This is the last post of our three-segment series that covers all of the types of insurance that small business owners, and corporate business owners alike, should make sure to have in place. At Security Insurance Group, we understand that risk is a part of owning any business, but one of the tools that you are able to take advantage of is insurance, and we are the company that can provide you with that security.


Welcome back to the Security Insurance Group blog. Our post today is dedicated to providing you with further information on what types of insurance policies all small businesses should have. If you’re just joining us, then make sure to check out our last blog post, where we started the discussion on insurance types that you should definitely be looking into. As a small business owner, risk is sometimes the only thing that you know, but that shouldn’t be the case with everything that you deal with, and when you can avoid it you might as well. When it comes to your insurance, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, and Security Insurance Group makes sure that you are taken care of by providing you with those high-quality insurance plans. Here are a few others that you should be investing in if you are a small business owner.


Opening your own business is something that requires time and effort, so it shouldn’t be treated as something light. With this responsibility comes the chances of risk, damage, and failure, so it makes sense that you’d want to be prepared for any situation that could come up. That’s where insurance comes in. At Security Insurance Group, we specialize in business insurance for a variety of small businesses throughout Fort Collins, and we’d like to help you too. If you are just getting your small business up and running, or you’re simply checking your list for any further things that you may need to dot the I’s and cross the t’s on, then you’ll love what we’ve got in store for you today.


In our last blog post, we touched on a few of the traits that you’re going to want to have an insurance agent, especially one that you’re going to trust with your small business insurance. These individuals are the people that are going to dictate what is worthy of covering in your business, so it’s a good thing to be fully aware of what traits make for a strong insurance agent and when you’re likely to have a bad experience. At Security Insurance Group, we’ve done our best to find individuals that keep our agency competitive while constantly improving the quality of care that our customers are used to. Here are a few of the other traits that we look for in order to make that possible.


Insurance isn’t something that you should ever take lightly. While it is a proactive step to take, there is so much that goes into the process and protection of your insurance policy that it shouldn’t be a procedure that you trust with just anybody. At Security Insurance Group, we know that it takes a specific type of person to find the right insurance for our customers, which is why we’ve hand-selected each and every member of our team. In doing so, we are able to provide our customers with competitive and caring individuals that will create custom policies. If you’ve been shopping the marketing and are trying to find the right insurance agent to take care of your business insurance, then here are some of the qualities that you should be looking for.


There are things that we all must do to make it as a grown up in the world. The term ‘adulting’ has come to encompass these sometimes onerous tasks. It means everything from going to bed early on a work night to setting up auto pay on your bills so you know they’ll always be paid on time. Another task that counts as top-level adulting is getting a life insurance policy. When you need to buy life insurance for the first time, call the independent insurance agents at Security INsurance Group. We are staffed by independent agents, which means we don’t work for the big insurance agents, we work for you! We will find the policy that fits your needs and your life the best.


Security Insurance Group is not your average insurance company. No, we are an independent insurance group. This means we are staffed by independent insurance agents. This, in turn, means that we are not beholden to the big insurance companies. Instead, we work for you. We don’t try to sell you the coverage you don’t need. Our business turns on customer satisfaction, and we focus on our customers’ needs, not the needs of the big insurance companies. Our independent agents are highly trained and are well versed in the different companies, the different levels of coverage, as well as the most advantageous ways to bundle your coverage to make sure you get maximum coverage for the lowest price.


In our last blog post we touched on the importance of knowing what types of things could factor into your deductible. From the amount of time that you spend driving to what a realistic budget looks like for you, there are quite a few things that could affect what amount of money you feel comfortable spending before receiving any help from your insurance company.


In our last blog post, we covered a few of the things that you should be considering when you are in the process of shopping around for insurance companies, but also when you’re trying to find the right coverage for you and any other drivers that will be on your insurance. One of the factors that we really want to go into more depth with is the choice that you have with your deductible.


Insurance is one of those things that needs to be the right fit for you, but sometimes finding the right coverage can be intimidating. It’s in these times that people wind up paying more than they need to or wind up in a bad situation without the right amount of coverage. At Security Insurance Group in Fort Collins, we do everything that we can to ensure that our customers have the most suitable auto insurance policy.


Security Insurance Group offers insurance for all aspects of your life. We can help you protect your home, your car, your business, and even your professional standing. Our coverage can cover you from the time you get up in the morning, through your work day, throughout your career, and as you travel from spot to spot to live your life. If you are in a profession that requires liability insurance, you may also need to look into errors and omissions insurance. If this term is new to you or you have questions about it, keep reading.


Your home is your castle, and, of course, you want it to be as safe as a medieval keep with a deep moat. Alas, modern homes do not have fortified walls and moats to keep invaders from entering. Instead, we have to depend on window locks, deadbolts, security systems and dogs. One of the best things you can do to protect yourself from crime is good homeowners insurance against theft, damage, and vandalism. Security Insurance Group is a company staffed by independent agents. This mean that they work for you, not the big insurance companies. They work to find the policies that are right for you and your needs.


In our last blog, we began a conversation about driving safely in the coming months. As thedays get shorter and the nights get longer, we will spend more time behind the wheel in the dark. This can bring us in close proximity with wildlife. To learn more about driving in high wildlife areas, keep reading.


Security Insurance Group serves Northern Colorado, providing homeowners and auto insurance, farm and ranch insurance, and even business insurance. We are an agency staffed by independent insurance agents who work for you. We are highly trained and well-versed in policies from many major insurance carriers and this works for you, the customer, because we can find the company and the policy that perfectly matches your unique needs.


In our last blog, we started covering some common misconceptions about life insurance, and we will cover a few more this week. We covered the misconceptions about the cost, who needs life insurance, and if you need coverage beyond what a job may offer you. If you have not already read last week’s blog, we encourage you to do so to expand your understanding of life insurance. Security Insurance Group offers life insurance, and just about every other type of coverage you may need including auto, farm and ranch, as well as business. To learn even more about life insurance, keep reading.


In recent blogs, we’ve been covering some common misunderstandings about life insurance. This week, we’ll look at two types of insurance and explain the differences. When you are shopping for life insurance in Fort Collins, be sure to call Security Insurance Group and speak to an independent agent.


Life Insurance is squarely in the adult world but there seems to be an aura of mystery about the details that only the initiated are privy to. No one tells you about it in high school, you don’t get a pamphlet on it with your diploma or marriage certificate and it really shouldn’t be the kind of thing you learn about from your mistakes. To get some clarity on some common misunderstanding about life insurance, keep reading.


When our independent insurance agents in Northern Colorado are speaking to current or prospective auto insurance clients, we are often asked to clarify the difference between collision and comprehensive insurance coverage and whether they are necessary for every driver to have as part of their auto insurance policy. To learn more about these types of coverage, keep reading.


When you are shopping for auto insurance in Northern Colorado, you want to find a company that is staffed with insurance agents who really know insurance, not just who know how to sell you a product. When you call an insurance agency directly, you’ll most likely be put through to a salesperson whose job it is to sell you the most expensive policy. A policy puts the company in the least danger of having to pay out a claim. Security Insurance Group is different. We are staffed by independent insurance agents who are well versed in all the insurance agencies and, subsequently, many types of types of coverage and bundles. We work for you, not the big insurance companies.


So you have finally done it. You came up with a fantastic idea, you planned, you saved, you cried a little bit, and then it finally happened; you own your own business. What a super exciting time! Now the panic is starting to set in. You are feeling the effects of what you have just done. It’s a little bit scary, and you are feeling very overwhelmed. Now, what do you do? Don’t worry, Security Insurance group can help with the next step.


So you’re a small business owner, and you are required to carry insurance. Or you’re thinking of opening a small business, and while you’re ecstatic about running your actual company, you’re feeling your eyes glaze over when it comes to the thought that your business is going to need insurance. It can feel like a dreaded task, an unpleasant reality of the world we live in, and it’s sometimes easy to lose sight of why insurance exists and why it makes sense for you to carry it.


"How good is your memory?” one farmer said to his neighbor after a recent hail storm that hit Weld county.


Emily was proud of herself for finding a used car that she could pay cash for. This was her first car and her first experience signing up for auto insurance. She had carefully looked at all the options for a vehicle and selected a car with great fuel economy. It was really important to her not to overspend on a vehicle, so as to not be too stretched thin on her other bills.


As a business owner or entrepreneur, you need to know that your business is covered sufficiently, not only with the right levels of coverage, but also with the right types of insurance. Security Insurance Group offers several different types of business insurance, and you need to know which types are right for you and when you need to be covered by them.


Do you have sufficient homeowners insurance? This is a question every homeowner should ask themselves once a year.


When you first move into a new apartment or rental house, you may hear the term renters insurance,or maybe your parent is insisting you get it but you don’t know a thing about it. Well, you are in luck! Security Insurance Group can help! We are not an insurance company per se, but instead a company staffed by independent insurance agents.


Are you looking at buying your first condo and have questions about how insurance on a condo differs from a free-standing home insurance policy? With the proliferation of condos construction in Northern Colorado, we are getting more and more questions about condo insurance. This blog series blog will serve as an introduction to this topic.


Security Insurance Group in Greely serves all of Northern Colorado including Fort Collins, Loveland and Windsor. We are staffed by independent insurance agents, so our agents will find you the best policy out there to meet your needs. We know the companies and the numerous policies and can find the perfect one for your needs. When you are looking at purchasing homeowners insurance for a condo unit, there are some basic terms to learn in order to make an informed decision.


Security Insurance Group serves Northern Colorado, providing homeowners insurance, life insurance, auto insurance and more. You may be thinking,” Security Insurance Group? I’ve never seen a TV commercial for the Or maybe, “I don’t know their funny mascot, I shouldn’t use them!” Well, there is a reason you don’t know us, it’s because we are not an insurance company. Instead, we are staffed by highly trained, and highly qualified independent insurance agents. We’ll explain the benefits of using an independent agent is this week’s blog.


When you are looking at getting car insurance for the first time or are shopping for a new policy, come to Security Insurance Group, and we’ll help you get the perfect insurance for your needs and budget. We are an independent agency serving Fort Collins, Loveland Windsor and the entire Northern Colorado area from our base in Greeley.


In our last blog, we began talking about auto insurance and how an independent agent at Security Insurance Group can help find a policy that fits your needs exactly. In this week’s blog, we are going to cover the different choices you will have when choosing an auto insurance policy.


Auto insurance is mandatory in Colorado. If you get pulled over and are found to be uninsured, you will be fined $500 and get four points on your driving record. Your license will also be suspended until you provide proof of insurance. The second time you get pulled over for lack of proof, the fine increases to $1,000 and your license will be suspended for four months. After that, fines and suspensions get even steeper, and can include many hours of community service.


Many young adults don’t get life insurance when they should. If this applies to you, we would like to tell you some reasons you should get life insurance. maybe you think you think you don’t need life insurance because you are young and healthy, or because your spouse works and would be able to pay the bills if anything happened to you. But these reasons don’t cover all the reasons in favor of getting insurance.


Security Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency. We work for you, not the big insurance agencies to get you just the right policy for car insurance, life insurance, business insurance and homeowners insurance.


Anew verb has increased in popularity recently, ok, it isn’t a real word yet, but who knows, maybe Merriam-Webster will include it next year. The word is adulting. It means doing the things that have to be done in life, especially when you are grown person responsible for things you previously depended on your parents or other grown-ups to do. Adulting means doing things like paying the bills, paying your rent, car registration, filing your taxes, and getting insurance, especially life insurance. It’s the law that you must have car insurance, you have to show proof of homeowner insurance to get a loan to buy a house but life insurance? No one *makes* you get life insurance, it’s something you do when you know it needs to be done. It’s pure adulting at it’s finest.


Security Insurance group in Greeley is staffed by independent agents who offer auto insurance, home insurance, business insurance, and farm & ranch insurance to the people of Northern Colorado. There are many people who don’t remember the days when insurance was available only through insurance agents. Nowadays people are somewhat used to dealing directly with insurance companies but that doesn’t mean they are getting a better deal than when they work with an agent. In fact, it is often the case that it is much more advantageous to work with an independent agent rather than the insurance company directly. This week’s blog will over why it can be better to work with an independent agent.


We’ve been discussing what riders are, what they offer you and how an independent insurance agent is best positioned to help you get the best insurance coverage. We are Security Insurance Group, based in Greeley, CO and serving the Fort Collins, Loveland, and Windsor areas.


When you talk to an independent insurance agent from Security Insurance Group they will ask you questions to get to know your insurance needs. On of the things they will be asking about and listening for is if you need an insurance rider. This week’s blog will look at what a rider is and when you might need one.


Fort Collins is one of the hottest spots in the country for small businesses and we’ve got you covered! Security Insurance Group is staffed by independent insurance agents who can navigate the bureaucracy of insurance policies for you. We know the companies and we know the policies. A big part of our job is to get to know you too, so we can best match a policy to your particular needs to best match your needs to a policy and to add riders when necessary.


Security Insurance Group is staffed by independent insurance agents and serves the Fort Collins area providing auto, homeowners and business insurance. Today’s blog will cover auto insurance. When you are looking to insure your car there are several things to take into account. The first one is your driving record.


Security Insurance Group is a group of independent insurance serving the Fort Collins area with the highest level of customer service. You may ask yourself the advantages of using a so-called middleman when dealing with insurance companies when, today, you can hop on the internet and find yourself a deal. You may get a deal or at least think you’ve found a deal, but an insurance agency is basically out for themselves. We, as independent agents, know how to navigate through the choppy waters of the technical language used by insurance companies.


Security Insurance Group is staffed by independent insurance agents who provide personalized service for homeowners insurance, car insurance, business insurance and farm and ranch insurance. We’ve got every aspect of your life covered and because we work for you, not the big insurance companies, we can find you just the right policy. We will match your particular needs with a policy and try to get any discounts we can. We’ve come up with a list of tips to help us- help you with your claim. If you do these things, your policy can work for you during the claims process.


Security Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency. We work for you, not the big insurance agencies to get you just the right policy for car insurance, life insurance, business insurance and homeowners insurance.


Security Insurance Group is staffed by independent insurance agents who work for you, the customer, not the big insurance companies. We know the companies and the policies inside and out, and we will find the policy that is a perfect fit for you. No matter what you are buying, basic knowledge can help you make an informed decision. We’ve listed some basics of car insurance to get you started.


In our last blog, we spoke about a few common Fort Collins life insurance myths. At Security Insurance Group, we want to make sure that you know the truth and the real facts when it comes to life insurance. Today we’re covering a few more life insurance myths to shine light on the truth once and for all.


Life insurance in Fort Collins is not a simple product that you can just go to the store and buy. Today at Security Insurance Group, we’re going to briefly talk about the top misconceptions surrounding life insurance and the realities they distort.


Running your farm or ranch like a business can make the difference between a successful enterprise and one that struggles and bring you more stress than satisfaction. When running a farm or ranch, insurance is part of your risk management plan. There will always be risks in farming. Modern technology and farming practices have increased yields and reduced risks, but I don’t know any farmers or ranchers who don’t, at some level, enjoy the risk of this line of work.


If you’ve got a farm, it may be very well true that your livestock represents a large portion of you and your family’s livelihood. Here at Security Insurance Group, we can help you insure your very important and often unpredictable part of your farm or ranch. All of your livestock, whether it be cattle, sheep, bison, hogs, or more, can be covered under our Fort Collins farm insurance policies in different ways.


Security Insurance Group is staffed by independent insurance agents. We serve the Fort Collins, Loveland, and Windsor area.Using an independent insurance agent benefits you because we don’t work for the large insurance companies: we work for you. We can match a policy to your exact needs. We provide expert advice about car, life, business, and farm insurance.


Security Insurance Group serves the Fort Collins area, providing life insurance, car insurance, and business/farm insurance. Let us match a policy to your needs!


Security Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency serving northern Colorado. We serve Fort Collins, Loveland, Windsor, and surrounding areas.

Riddle: Name something you have to have but never want to use?

Answer: Auto insurance!

Yeah, we know that’s a terrible joke, but it is true!


Security Insurance Group is an independent insurance company serving the Fort Collins area. We are highly-trained specialists. We know the insurance companies we work with and know the available policies. We put this knowledge to use by precisely matching policy-holders with the right policies. We handle homeowners insurance, car insurance, business insurance and agricultural insurance.

The last thing you want to go through is serious damage or loss to your home, only to find out you are not sufficiently covered. It’s hard to know what exactly is and is not covered so we thought we’d put together a list of things to keep in mind when deciding on coverage amounts.


Fort Collins consistently rates as one of the best places in the country to live and recently a surge in the price of housing makes your home here all the more valuable. Here in Fort Collins your home is still a great way to invest your money. With home owning comes homeowners insurance.

If you are a first-time homeowner, there is a lot to learn and if you have been down this road before you may still need help to navigate the waters of homeowners insurance. We’ve assembled a short list (which we will surely continue in the future) of tips about homeowners insurance.

It’s not optional. Most mortgage companies will not finish a mortgage transaction until proof of insurance is produced. You may be required to pay between two months and a year of premiums up front. While you are paying off the mortgage, the house technically belongs to the back and they want to protect their investment.

What is covered? Depending on your policy, the structure (and usually out buildings) is covered, as well as the contents of the home. Most policies also have liability coverage to cover you in case someone gets injured on your property. Items of great value such as wedding rings need to be added to the policy in what’s called a rider.


Every entrepreneur knows that risk is inherent to running a business. But there are ways to minimize your risk and one way is to have business insurance. Security Insurance Group is staffed by expert, highly trained independent insurance agents who can match your business insurance needs with the right policy to minimize your risks. Not just any business insurance will do. You need just the right policy that covers all your possible risks and eliminates loopholes that would make it hard to collect should something happen to your business. We know the companies we deal with and the policies the offer and can give you the personal touch that such an important decision needs.


Security Insurance Group is located in Northern Colorado and helps connect individuals and families with large life insurance carriers. We give you the personal attention you need to feel you are getting the right policy, and we will get to know you so that we can match you with just the right policy. Growing older brings many rites of passage, getting married and having kids are two such events that change your life and your outlook. You start to wonder about what will happen to them if something should happen to the breadwinner of the family. Life insurance can give you the peace of mind that allows you to stop worrying about the future and enjoy the present moments with your loved ones.
