When you are looking at getting car insurance for the first time or are shopping for a new policy, come to Security Insurance Group, and we’ll help you get the perfect insurance for your needs and budget. We are an independent agency serving Fort Collins, Loveland Windsor and the entire Northern Colorado area from our base in Greeley.
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Why Choose an Independent Agent?
- An independent agent doesn’t work for the big insurance companies.
- We work for you, the consumer.
- We’ll do our best to get to know you, and your needs in order to find the best policy for you.
- We’ll also help you file a claim if you need to. We know the jargon of the industry so we can file a good claim, and help you with the bureaucracy.
What Type of Auto Coverage Do You Need?
- Comprehensive isn’t as comprehensive as you’d think.
- This coverage would be better called complementary because it complements, or completes normal auto insurance coverage.
- This coverage will pay for damage from accidents other than a collision, this includes, hail, broken glass, vandalism, flood damage, earthquake, tornado, falling objects, and theft.
- Collision Coverage covers the cost of damage from a collision. This covers only *your* car.
- To cover damage to another person’s car, you’ll need Property Damage Liability insurance.
- Bodily Liability Coverage covers the costs if you injure someone with your car, the driver of the other car in a collision, for example.
Visit our site, or better yet, call and speak to an agent today to get the policies that will give you complete coverage.