Security Insurance Group is a group of independent insurance serving the Fort Collins area with the highest level of customer service. You may ask yourself the advantages of using a so-called middleman when dealing with insurance companies when, today, you can hop on the internet and find yourself a deal. You may get a deal or at least think you’ve found a deal, but an insurance agency is basically out for themselves. We, as independent agents, know how to navigate through the choppy waters of the technical language used by insurance companies.
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We work for you!
Insurance companies work for themselves, providing you a service. We work for you. We want to make sure that you have the best coverage at the best price. To be able to do this, we have to know all the companies and the ins and outs of the policies.We take the time to get to know you and in doing so learn your specific needs and so can better serve you. We’ll find out if you need any extra, special coverage or riders for instance.
Homeowners Insurance Rates
May factors can influence your homeowners insurance rates. These factors include the age and type of construction of your home. As homes age, they can be become more susceptible to problems with the wiring, the plumbing, the roof, and the HVAC system. The advent of newer, fire resistant home makes older home a bigger risk as far as fire insurance goes as well.
We will cover other factors that effect your home owner insurance rates in the future so be sure to check back. In the mean time give us a call and see if we can find you a better deal than you currently have.