While school isn’t out for summer quite yet, the temperatures are definitely starting to warm up, and are beginning to tease us with sunny days and clear nights. The more frequently these days happen, the more common it is to start thinking about all of the adventures that you’re going to be going on this summer and the toys you’ll get to wash the dust off of and use. Security Insurance Group is equally ready to get out there and enjoy some nice weather on Horsetooth Reservoir, and that has insurance coverage for all your toys, on our mind. In our blog post today, we are going to cover a few of the toys you may have splurged on that you should consider having covered under an insurance policy, especially by the time you get them out this summer.
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Enjoying some time on the water is an absolutely fantastic way to enjoy your summer days. Whether you’re someone that’ll be out on the lake early in the morning catching some fish, traveling to a nearby lake for a Fourth of July celebration, or you’re planning on spending a majority of your summer on the water, your boat is definitely something that you should have insured. Insuring your boat can help you save money from any types of accidents that happen in and out of the water, and can also provide additional protection to anyone that’s on the boat. If you plan on using your boat quite a bit, then you are going to want to make sure you have ample coverage for your boat and the passengers that will be on the boat plenty.
When you’re not enjoying the warm weather on the boat, you’ll likely be called to the mountains and enjoying your weekend soaking in nature and taking the beauty of Northern Colorado, or some other part of the country. Road trips are another common way for people to spend their summer, and why not when each and every state has so much to offer. With that mileage that every trip brings, the added factor of accidents while camping or while traveling is possible. Make sure that you keep your motorhome protected from all sorts of accidents by having full coverage of it. This is always something to keep in check before heading out for that long road trip that you’ve had scheduled.

If you do find yourself out in the mountains, then you are probably bringing a few toys that you can enjoy while you’re out there. ATVs are one of the more common toys that people bring out to the mountains, but they are definitely not one of the safest ways to pass time. These toys require a little bit of adventure and some risk in just riding them. Once you get a few teenage boys or even grown men after a few drinks, these ATVS are going at incredible speeds through the woods, and won’t have a hard time making their way down a mountain or rolling. This is exactly why you need coverage on your ATVs. These are not cheap toys, and they are definitely worth having proper coverage over.
If the risk is what you’re after, then there’s a good chance that you’ve got at least one set of jet skis to take out onto the lake this summer. Getting up to high speeds on these bad boys is a great way to spend time and one that you, your friends and family will love doing. While the wipeouts may be bad and the fuel can be a bit pricey, nothing is quite as expensive as having to replace a jet ski.
If the toys you bring out during the summer are as precious as the memories that you make, then Security Insurance Group is the place to go when you need to find high-quality insurance policies. Call our office today so that you can get the coverage that you need before you head out on your adventures this summer. As your independent insurance agents, we will provide you with the best coverage for all of your toys and the things that you use to make your summers incredible.