When you are shopping for auto insurance in Northern Colorado, you want to find a company that is staffed with insurance agents who really know insurance, not just who know how to sell you a product. When you call an insurance agency directly, you’ll most likely be put through to a salesperson whose job it is to sell you the most expensive policy. A policy puts the company in the least danger of having to pay out a claim. Security Insurance Group is different. We are staffed by independent insurance agents who are well versed in all the insurance agencies and, subsequently, many types of types of coverage and bundles. We work for you, not the big insurance companies.
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Bundling Your Coverage Can Save You Money and Hassle
Bundling your insurance is one thing you are sure to hear about if you are securing or changing your coverage. When you bundle your insurance, you have two types of coverage, auto and homeowners, for instance, within the same company. The cost of bundled coverage is cheaper than if you bought the two types of coverage on their own. It is comparable to when you buy your wifi and your cable from the same telecom company.
For instance, if you are in the process of buying a new home, you’ll know that you have to show proof of insurance as part of the mortgage process. When you call to do this, your independent agent will likely ask what company currently insures your vehicle or vehicles. Your agent will look for a package that will save you money. This gives you the advantage of paying a lower rate and of not needing to call or pay two different companies, instead you deal with just one company.
Call Security Insurance Group today to see how we can save you money by finding the best policy at the best company for you. We’ll also see if we can bundle your coverage so we can save you even more money. Call us today to speak to an independent agent.