So you have finally done it. You came up with a fantastic idea, you planned, you saved, you cried a little bit, and then it finally happened; you own your own business. What a super exciting time! Now the panic is starting to set in. You are feeling the effects of what you have just done. It’s a little bit scary, and you are feeling very overwhelmed. Now, what do you do? Don’t worry, Security Insurance group can help with the next step.
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Here at Security Insurance Group, offer our expertise when it comes to ensuring your most sacred things, such as your business. We help all walks of life. From the first timer with the big eyes, and the trembling hands, to the person who is the pro and just needs a little help on our side of things.
No only it is important to ensure your business, but it is also important to know which insurance is required. Just like a car, there are many different options. That is why having an insurance broker is so beneficial to you in this time of need. We have done all the research for you. We work with some of the best insurance companies and we are here to find the policy that compliments your organization.
- Commercial Property Coverage
- Helps repair or replace property under certain circumstances
- Ex: fire, flood, stolen
- Helps repair or replace property under certain circumstances
- Business Interruption Insurance
- Helps cover loss of income after a disaster
- Ex: Rebuilding structure after natural disaster
- Ex: Rebuilding structure after natural disaster
- Helps cover loss of income after a disaster
- General Liability
- Helps protect against bodily injury, property damage/data loss
- Ex: Falls at the workplace, and breaking a computer
- Helps protect against bodily injury, property damage/data loss
- Product Liability
- Help if you have products that you sell. Protects against claims or suits
- Professional Liability
- Different levels, Helps with many different aspects of the business.
- EX: if a disgruntled employee decided to sue the company
- Different levels, Helps with many different aspects of the business.
- Coverage for home-based business
- Insurance coverage specifically tailored for home based business to protect against previous items mentioned.
As you can see, there is a lot that goes into each one of these coverages; these are the basics. That is why utilizing Security Insurance Group is so essential for your business. We can get everything squared away so that if anything did happen, which hopefully it won’t, you would be covered. We have knowledgeable, experienced, and helpful agents waiting for your call. You have done the hardest part already by getting your operation off the ground. Let us protect it from falling down.