Summer is a beautiful time to enjoy warm weather, outdoor activities, and just a little extra relaxation on the weekends. For most, this is a time where you can count to spend a majority of your time in the backyard, out by the lake or just relax with family, but as a business owner, there are plenty of things that you have to worry about, including the claims that could be made in this time. At Security Insurance Group, we wanted to touch on some of the things that you should know as a business owner when it comes to insurance claims in the warmer months of summer.
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Studies have shown that the summer months, from June through September, a number of workers compensation claims often rise for small businesses. There are so many different types of accidents that have been claimed at this time of the year, from back pains to falls, small businesses can almost guarantee a claim for worker’s compensation during these months. This could be due to the conditions of the work environment that your employee is in while they’re completing tasks, but could also be due to the atmosphere of the workplace and how relaxed it is.
One of the ways to minimize the number of injuries that do happen is by controlling and planning risk management to keep situations that are dangerous at a minimum, but it’s also incredibly important to ensure that all members of the team are well educated on what needs to happen while at work and how to best protect themselves, in order to best protect yourself and your business.
Below are a few of the things that you start working on or implementing so that your business is taken care of in these times, and so that you can ensure all employees are on the same page with what needs to be done during the work day and how to best protect themselves.
Training & Orientation
In the summer months, when people can become delirious and eager for more time to enjoy the warmth of summer, they can lessen the serious attitude with which they should be working around equipment or completely blow off the process that they were trained on. Something that you can do is bring up the safety guidelines in training and orientation so that all employees are learning these techniques right off of the bat. While this is a great way to start off, the next thing that you can do is provide continual training and orientation for new equipment added to the list, or for a refresher on safety techniques, that way all of your employees can stay safe and feel comfortable and confident using the equipment.
While training is definitely a technique that provides results in avoiding injuries, one of the best things to do is have a supervisor out on the floor or with the equipment to ensure that all members of the team and employees that they work with, are being cautious with the equipment. This technique can also keep things from getting out of control or even getting to a point where danger becomes a serious possibility. This position often requires additional training, leadership, and comfort with the field, but it is one that could greatly reduce the chances of claims happening for your small business this summer. Like we said, this could require some additional training on the end of a supervisor, but you will be glad that you took this extra time and invested it in an individual that will better manage the teams while they’re on the job site.
While these two things can definitely minimize a number of claims that you receive in the summer, they aren’t the only things that you can do to protect your small business from having to deal with any further claims from happening. Make sure to check back in a week to see the other ways that we suggest your business minimize the number of claims. Other than that, it all comes down to the quality of insurance that you have. Call Security Insurance Group when you need high-quality insurance to keep your business protected.